10 must-do things to do in Santeramo in Colle
Updated: Nov 4, 2024
This city is one of the 7 stops on the Cammino Materano as well as a stop on the Cai Italia Trail two of Italy's most important trails for walkers

Besides being home to the world-renowned Natuzzi company known worldwide as "Divani & Divani", Santeramo in Colle offers a wealth of experiences that go far beyond the celebrity of the sofà industry. This Apulian locality is a hidden treasure that invites travelers to discover a history thousands of years old, to immerse themselves in culinary tradition (known for the “fornello pronto” especially horse meat) to explore architecture (church of Sant'Erasmo) and to walk in nature, among blades and groves because it is part of the Cammino Materano as well as Sentiero Italia CAI
At 500m above sea level, it is the highest town in the province of Bari, within the Parco dell'alta Murgia.
From here the Cammino Materano,is one of the 7 stages of the Via Peuceta, offering backpacking enthusiasts an opportunity to immerse themselves in the magic of this land that includes a wayfarer's route starting from the Basilica of St. Nicholas of Bari and ending in Matera.
In my column "A portata di Manu" I offer you ideas, experiences and itineraries as well as things to do if you come to these parts whether you are a foreign visitor or a tourist at home. In the article (next to each experience) are all the references for booking tickets or excursions or guided tours in the area .

The ancient village of Santeramo in Colle is wrapped in a history that resonates through its narrow cobblestone streets. In times past, the village was defended by moats and imposing walls, a tangible reminder of a time when safety and protection were of paramount importance
The 16th century marked a significant chapter in the history of Santeramo in Colle, with the expansion of the village through the construction of an imposing fortress. This structure, which once served as a defensive bulwark, is now transformed into the majestic Palazzo Marchesale. Through the centuries, the castle has undergone transformations, becoming a symbol of power and nobility rising above the urban fabric.
There are several ways to get from Bari to Santeramo in Collee
by bus (2-4€ and takes 1h 5min), there is a direct bus departing from Bari via Capruzzi and arriving at Santeramo in Colle operated by SitaBus. The connections leave 3 times a day, and operate daily.
Cab (€90) average duration 40 minutes Taxi Bari - CO.TA.BA +39 080 554 3333
By car ( 40 minutes) from Bari via SP 236
By train from Bari Centrale FS station take a train to Gioia del Colle. with Ferrovie dello Stato. Get off at Gioia del Colle and board the replacement bus to the towns of the Alta Murgia (it also passes through Gravina and Altamura)

Forty horses, accompanied by ladies and knights, parade through the town center in fine historical clothing, followed by a scenic float. It is the June 2nd Patronal Festival in honor of the patron saint Erasmus Pro Loco di Santeramo e Patronal Festival Committee together organize the historical ride in period costumes. A step back in time, the performance of the tour bands, the procession with the golden effigy of the saint and the descent of the triumphal float.
Byzantine (and other) echoes in the chapels of St. Eligius and Our Lady of Constantinople

The relationship of the Santerran population with religious devotion is ancient and documented from the earliest medieval documents in which chapels are mentioned, very few of which have survived to the present day. Among them, there are two that preserve frescoes of different styles
The oldest are probably visible in the church of St. Eligius, On the left wall, a pair of saints, St. Ephrem and St. Erasmus, can be seen, represented in a Byzantine style, in hieratic poses and on flat, decorated backgrounds. To visit it it is necessary to contact the Pro Loco. otherwise the church is closed.
A short distance away it is possible to find the Chapel of Our Lady of Constantinople. It is located inside the Church of the Carmine, The chapel and the entire Church of the Carmine can be visited during celebrations or by contacting the Confraternita del Carmine to whom it has been entrusted for centuries.
If you would like to take guided tours of Santeramo's historic center, I suggest you contact Fabio Sampaolo, a tour guide in the area, for a tour tailored to your needs.

Since 2023 this palace has been hosting an important temporary exhibition dedicated to the “return” of Francesco Netti, a Santermano painter and intellectual active in the second half of the 19th century.
The Palace is located Piazza Garibaldi, a central square where the town's two most important buildings face each other: the Mother Church dedicated to St. Erasmus, and the Palazzo Marchesale, the ancient seat of power linked to the Carafa and Caracciolo families. It was built in 1576 by Marquis Ottavio Caracciolo, as evidenced by the inscription carved on the facade that opens onto Piazza Garibaldi, Today the Palazzo Marchesale Caracciolo - Carafaafa For guided tours Info 080 303 2674) otherwise the palace is closed. Or contact the Local Proloco. - This palace retains its central role by housing the tourist office, conference rooms and rooms for cultural events.

Via Roma, Via Netti, Via Iacoviello, are the streets where the curiosity of the nose-in-the-air walker is most likely to be tickled. Carved shelves, arch keys and rosoncini are the typical places where, between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, stonemasons showed off their skills by depicting devotional, fantastic or good-luck subjects. Vito Calabrese first and especially Giovanni Laricchia are the most prominent names. The latter started a real school of stonemasons and then also operated in Gravina di Puglia and finally in Bari where he became one of the leading names in the art of stone-cutting. In Santeramo some of his work can be admired in the decorative apparatus of Palazzo Santalucia-Tangorra designed by Orazio Santalucia himself, a designer famous in the Puglia Capital for the Kursaal of the same name and the Oriente hotel.
In this itinerary dedicated to sculpture, a visit to the Mother Church in Piazza Garibaldi is worthwhile, where, in the third chapel of the right side aisle, a 15th-century bas-relief by Francesco Laurana depicting a Madonna and Child is kept. Works by contemporary sculptors, on the other hand, are those of Armando Mele and Antonio Paradiso, the latter's works can be seen at the Parco scultoreo La Palomba in Matera while in Santeramo they are placed in Piazza Giuseppe Simone, at the entrance to City Hall..

It is a Santermana Artists community that was created with the desire to give visibility and due credit to many local artists of great skill and depth. If you are coming to Santeramo, you can also inquire about evening events so that you can add a touch of art to your local visit.
You can find all the details here VIS(S)I D'ARTE
Construction work on the convent began in 1673, and over the years it has changed from a place of residence for Franciscan friars to a municipal property. The convent, now separate from the Church of the Most Holy Crucifix, has a wonderful cloister and a finely frescoed hall that was restored in 2000..
Per prenotare contattare VISSI DARTE
Trekking to discover the treasures of the Murge: alimurgical plants and wild herbs

It is called Alimurgy and is nothing but the science that studies the food use of wild plants that grow wild especially in the Murgia area. “Alimurgic,” on the other hand, is the term used to refer to wild edible plants, The Murgia overflows with alimurgic plants that are ideal as condiments for any type of menu. (You can eat divinely in this area). To get to know them all, I invite you seasonally as well as seasonally are these plants, to book a trekking route that starting from Santeramo in Colle, takes you following their intense scent to discover the Treasures of the Murgia.
I invite you to contact Santermano's Domenico Porfido, an expert on wild herbs and but especially on Mushrooms, cardoncelli and ferula, of which this area is rich. You can contact Domenico, at the email porfidodomenico@gmail.com to book trekking tours that are good for your body but also good for your knowledge. With him you can customize your tour and understand, really understand the food secrets that these plants, unknown to many, give. Usually each variety of mushroom needs a plant to grow, this I learned from talking with him.

What herbs will you find? So many including chicory, sivone, asparagus, fennel, avrùsc, paparìne, various species of senàpi, radicchielle and thistles, borage, cardaria, sorrel, ambrette, ribs, lampascioni, Pugliese umbrella, nettle, plantain, horseradish, romaine, wild celery, stellaria, strigoli, veronica, etc. etc.,
You can contact Domenico, at porfidodomenico@gmail.com to book wild herb-flavored hiking trails.

The “quites” have a romantic and fascinating history. Walking through this area of the murgia where you can touch the sacrifices of the peasant society of the time is an experience you absolutely must have. Today the quite are a great testimony to nineteenth-century rural architecture, they are lots bordered by dry stone walls and propped up with haystacks, born in 1806 exactly on September 1 following the enactment of a law by the public domain that satabilised their division into “quotas” or rather the “quotization” from which they take their name.
The division obviously took place to encourage farming activities at the same time as the slow abandonment of the practice of transhumance. Today it is possible to go on guided tours by contacting the 20 official guides of the Alta Murgia Park capable of guiding you on nature-historical excursions

2) From the website of the PARCO DELL'ALTA MURGIA it is possible to consult TUTTO l'elenco (ENTIRE list of walkable,) bikeable and visually impaired routes and trails.
3) From the website of the PARCO DELL'ALTA MURGIA you can book your guided tour by contacting one of the 20 specialized guides directly

The “Festa Contadina” in Santeramo in Colle is an event usually held on the first weekend of September. 12,000 thousand people gather every year for this cultural-historical project that combines food and wine with music and culture during the three-day festival. The town center relives rural traditions through re-enactments of the trades and customs of the past, as well as the rediscovery of typical peasant dishes composed of poor and local products (Show-coking of Tradition thanks to the collaboration of Hotel Schools, local Chefs and local associations) culminating with the traditional descent of the Marquis. Event organized by the local Pro Loco locale , for info and contacts.

This area of the Murgia, is also home to a stage of the Sentiero Italia CAI, a trail that crosses all of Italy plowing through valleys, climbing mountains, overlooking coastlines and passing through Cities of Art as remote villages. One of the most ambitious hiking projects in terms of rediscovering the territory. 20 regions embraced by the long line drawn on the map, 510 stages, 16 national parks and 60 regional parks and reserves called upon to set the scene for this invaluable trail participated in by countless sections of the Italian Alpine Club. Sentiero Italia CAI is also the title of the guidebook series of the same name that describes in great technical detail how to tackle this itinerary. For the Puglia guidebook, there are 4 tomes dedicated to our region out of the total 13 tomes; an expert on the area, Santermano's Corrado Palumbo, contributed to the editing of the Puglia texts.
Stages in in Puglia that pass through various municipalities including Matera, Spinazzola, Quasano, Accadia, Candela, Ruvo

Qualcuno ha detto "Fornello?" Durante i mesi estivi Santeramo ospita la tradizionale Sagra della Carne arrosto. Il centro abitato si riempie di stand delle macellerie locali, per un tour del gusto a cui partecipano visitatori italiani e stranieri, incuriositi dal menù a base dei piatti della tradizione e della carne cotta al fornello. Il tutto accompagnato da musica e divertimento. Evento organizzato dalla Pro Loco locale , per info e contatti.

La Puglia è stata patria per l'imperatore Federico II tanto che é conosciuto con gli appellativ di Puer Apuliae (fanciullo di Puglia) e Stupor Mundi (stupore del mondo) Anche a Santeramo in Colle c'è una Domus Federiciana. Oggi questo edificio, che ebbe anche la funzione di primo castello quando il casale divenne feudo nel 1374, è ancora visibile, in Via S.Eligio, così come è qui ancora visibile l'unica torre superstite dell' antica cinta difensiva. Nei secoli la domus è stata arricchita da un loggiato cinquecentesco e di un ulteriore piano ottocentesco raggiunto da pittoreschi tralci di vite che dal livello stradale si arrampicano sino al terrazzo.
Horseback riding excursion in the Murgia of the Morsara Equestrian Club

Among the many activities to do during vacations or weekends out of town, horseback riding is becoming increasingly popular. To discover the Murgia and the beauty of its territory, I suggest you try this activity riding a horse.
Circolo Ippico Morsara is located in Santeramo take place on routes of varying length and difficulty and are open to everyone, even those who have never ridden a horse. In this case, before setting off, equestrian guides conduct a basic lesson on riding techniques. The Murgia by the way is the ideal place to experience the area in a sustainable way and devote a few hours of leisure together with exceptional animals.
All the info here Circolo Ippico Morsara Indirizzo: Contrada Morsara, 70029 Santeramo in Colle Telefono: 328 072 4862

Il paesaggio agreste di Santeramo in Colle é una testimonianza di architettura rurale ottocentesca. Testimonianza ne sono infatti il
Bosco di Mesola con una estensione di circa 3000ettari a confine tra i comuni di Acquaviva delle Fonti, Cassano delle Murge e Santeramo in Colle. L’area, carsica e archeologica, è caratterizzata dalla presenza di molte specie di rapaci, notturni e diurni, tra cui il celebre Falco grillaio, di numerose varietà di orchidee anche rarissime e di alcune querce protette come la roverella e il fragno.

Lama Lunga e Sant'Angelo. Il paesaggio di Lamalunga è tipico del costone della Alta Murgia, con i fenomeni carsici quali grotte, inghiottitoi, rilievi rocciosi e pietre affioranti.
Quasi alla fine di Lamalunga c'è la Masseria Iazzone. Era il lontano 1968 quando Mario Monicelli scelse appunto la campagna santermana per portare Monica Vitti a girare qui il film "La ragazza con la Pistola".
La natura è la padrona in quest'area dove rapaci e farfalle animano l'orizzonte e le orchidee selvatiche colorano i prati fra le rocce.
In quest'area è presente il complesso di Sant’Angelo, una chiesa rupestre le cui origini risalgono al XI secolo, ma che probabilmente è testimonianza di tradizioni devozionali ancor più antiche. (purtroppo chiuso e non visitabili).
Il bosco della Parata e la Gravinella. il primo costituisce un insieme unico a livello nazionale, per la contemporanea presenza di sei specie di quercia (il fragno, la roverella, il cerro, il farnetto, il leccio e la coccifera) e un ricco sottobosco. Habitat naturale del falco grillaio. Questo territorio è inciso da tante gravine fra le quali "la Gravinella" è un sito di notevole interesse per la formazione ecologica unica nel contesto degli ecosistemi della provincia di Bari e di quelli pugliesi in più è inserito nell'elenco degli habitat di interesse comunitario.
L’associazione Tripeco APS organizza uscite di molteplici tipologie. Consigliata prenotazione per un’escursione con le guide naturalistiche al numero di tel. 327/9860133.

Landing stage of the Cammino Materano, one of 7 on the Via Peuceta, which runs from the Basilica of San Nicola in Bari to Matera.
We are located north of Santeramo, in the direction of Acquaviva. Here we find the Masseria Galietti, built in 1767, surrounded by a large pine forest of about 20 hectares enclosed by a large wall.. Della Masseria, che in passato si elevava su tre livelli, è oggi possibile ammirare i resti, come anche della Chiesetta rurale dedicata a S. Raffaele.
La pineta é bella perché oltre ad essere un polmone verde, si presta a lunghe passeggiate, e per i più sportivi offre anche la possibilità di effettuare attività sportiva con attrezzi ginnici e area ristoro con tavoli e panchine. Inside the park there is the tree of thoughts, where it is possible for the walkers of the Materano Walk to enclose their thoughts and emotions inside small hanging bottles. The walker only has to write what he or she wants on one of the little notes placed in a glass container that he or she finds on a specially prepared table, and insert it into one of the many small bottles
Contatti Masseria Galietti info@giaccheverdisanteramo.it +39 338 837 6461
a 3 km da Santeramo
Where to eat in SANTERAMO?
A rustic and traditional tavern offering typical Santermana cuisine, the menu includes a wide selection of traditional Apulian dishes made from local, zero-kilometer ingredients, selected from local producers and served exclusively fresh and seasonal.
Open every day for lunch and dinner, closed on Sundays..
Via Roma 130 Pagina facebook: Osteria Santa Lucia Tel 327 252 7947
VINDO’– At Raffaella Laterza’s, you can savor traditional Apulian dishes with a modern twist. Bread meatballs, friselle topped with local ingredients, from the Acquaviva delle Fonti red onion to the oregano of Alta Murgia, Polignano's zebra-striped tomato, and local stracciatella cheese. The half-meter baguettes with various local products, both land and sea, are timeless. You’ll find a refined selection of typical local products, along with numerous wines and cellars. Sunday mornings feature an unmissable aperitif.
Tel: 0806459997Closed on WednesdaysOpen daily from 7 PM to 1 AMSunday from 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM
MiSaKe: A new addition to the local dining scene, offering traditional dishes with an Asian twist. From Assassina-style Udon to octopus and turnip Gyoza, the 28-year-old traveling chef creates dishes that respect tradition while embracing the East. A must-try!
Via Roma 138, open daily from 8 PM to midnightLunch by reservation onlyTel: 324/794586767
Since 1799, Lassandro Butcher Shop has been known for its quality meats and cured meats, offering a wide range of traditional dishes, often reinterpreted with a gourmet touch, in an exclusive location. Special mention goes to the variety of Apulian bombette, tartare, and meat-based friselle, paired with exquisite meat cuts. Everything is accompanied by an excellent selection of wines, thanks to the expertise of owner Antonello Lassandro. Via Roma, 28Open Monday to Saturday from 7 PM to 1 AMFacebook: Macelleria Lassandro
Santermana trattoria open daily for lunch and dinner, offering a variety of traditional dishes. Via Iacoviello, 45 tel. 080/3032426
Located on Santeramo's main street, this cozy venue features a garden for summer dining in the back. The food offerings are extensive, including excellent hamburgers, a vast selection of beers, and a good wine list.
Via Roma 122Open Tuesday to Sunday from 7 PM to 1 AM Facebook – Servus Birreria For info and reservations, call 3338859622
In the heart of Santeramo's historic center, there's a perfect place for a convivial evening: Vicolo 21. A welcoming, friendly spot where you can try traditional panzerotti and enjoy a well-crafted pizza, served in an indoor room or a spacious outdoor area.
Piazza Chiancone Open daily from 4 PM to midnight For info and reservations, call 080/5247871 Facebook Vicolo 21 Food&Drinks
Grill for Passion. Open every evening from Monday to Saturday. For info and reservations, call 0803039636
A revolutionary dining concept combining traditional flavors with the creative expressions of new-generation chefs. Attention to detail, refined table settings, and the restaurant's minimalist design create an intimate atmosphere, perfect for special occasions. The tasting menus and selection of fine wines highlight the connection with the local area, enhancing its unique gastronomic qualities.
Via Iacoviello, 75 RIZA tel. 080/9647758
Established in Santeramo in 1968 amidst the intense scents of Alta Murgia Park, the Murgia Hotel Restaurant offers a cozy environment surrounded by nature. With a refined cuisine and a team of professionals, it continues to offer typical Apulian dishes characterized by unique, authentic flavors. The à la carte menu also includes excellent pizza. The restaurant features a large outdoor area, garden, bar, and free Wi-Fi. Additionally, it provides a reliable reception service, adapting to different needs to satisfy clients on every occasion. Open dailyFor info and reservations, call +390803036133 o hotelmurgia@hotelmurgia.com
Pagina FB: Hotel Murgia Ristorante Via Iazitiello, 69